Today's post is about the tooth extractions.Good old simple tooth extractions.
But are they really that simple?
Let get one thing clear. There is no such thing as a simple extract.It might seem simple for the patient and many people thing that is the easiest thing for the dentist to extract teeth etc etc, but this is not exactly the case. Every extract has its' difficulties and may not forgive the dentist,should he chooses to take the procedure lightly!There are those teeth that will come out easy, others that seem to come easily but that was not the case, other teeth come out the hard way and others seem hard at first glance but in the end come out very easy.As for the patient,the key thing is to be relaxed.
Let get one thing clear. There is no such thing as a simple extract.It might seem simple for the patient and many people thing that is the easiest thing for the dentist to extract teeth etc etc, but this is not exactly the case. Every extract has its' difficulties and may not forgive the dentist,should he chooses to take the procedure lightly!There are those teeth that will come out easy, others that seem to come easily but that was not the case, other teeth come out the hard way and others seem hard at first glance but in the end come out very easy.As for the patient,the key thing is to be relaxed.
Because if the patient is relaxed, then the dentist is
more relaxed. If the patient is on the dental chair and he is feeling like he /she is sitting on a bed of nails,then the
dentist must first use his magic to try to calm the patient and then another some of that magic to extract the tooth.
And sometimes there simply is not enough magic to go around!
Now a key question is this
"Why does my tooth needs to be extracted Doctor?"
There are many reasons. Maybe the tooth has been severy damaged due to tooth decay, maybe it starts to have great mobility due to periodontal disease (periodontitis),maybe it got fractured,maybe it is a wisdom tooth that needs extraction or extraction may be
necessary due to orthodontic treatment maybe .. maybe .. maybe!
the picture below you can see a tooth that is fractured, but it can be
simple extraction, and the dentist, with the proper tools,can easily access the tooth.There is no need of a surgical extraction(something that we will discuss in one of the next posts)
How is an extraction done?
How is an extraction done?
First we would first do an x-ray, in order to obtain
information about what is happening in the area, what is the morphology of the tooth roots and
what anatomic parts are near the tooth.Then we perform local anesthesia,to numb the area.
I usually use a periotome,which is a tool to release the tooth from the
periodontal fibers and the periodontic ligament that hold the tooth connected to the bone and the jaw.When we release the tooth from its' shackles, it starts to have a mobility.At this point I use a lever to further increase the mobility of the tooth.
Eventually the tooth can be extracted with the lever or with the use of dental forceps, to grasp the tooth and extract it.
Under normal circumstances eg patient middle aged non
smoker the gums heal in 10-20 days.If sutures are required,they are being done and are usually removed in
10 days.
It is not uncommon for the patient to have a bit of a fever after the extraction and after the anesthesia has ceased.This is hardy a reason to alarm the patient;it might be due to that the tooth was a bit difficult to extract or that the area of the extraction had
inflammation, whereby the body acts so as to eliminate the remaining
microbial population.There is no need for antibiotics.If we want we can have an antiinflammatory drug,but definitely consult with the doctor first.The fever usually passes the next day.
All of the above are described in the following video.
And this concludes today's post.Don't forget to smile!!

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